Memories of endless beach walks

Our eldest child was a picker-up of unconsidered trifles, particularly on beach walks. Decades later I cleared her stashes out of a back shed, only keeping a few special pieces. Much to my amusement, I watched her son, then aged 7, gathering treasures as we walked along a beach and then worrying how many he could fit in his luggage going home.

I assume that box is something to do with the electriclal supply, like our house meter boxes

What to do with these memories? I found an answer in Montesquieu des Alberes. It may not be to my personal style but that doesn’t stop me from admiring an effort that made me think it belonged to a folk art genre. Besides, I am here to share ideas others may enjoy.

The green tiles on top were a finishing flourish.

I thought the restrained swags were more subtle and effective than the whole wall. It would also have looked more cohesive had the background colour been consistent on both sides of the driveway, but each to their own. I doubt the owners were too worried about others critiquing their aesthetics as they worked on it. I thought it was a charming wall of memories.

And a close-up for anybody who wants to work out how it was done. I am guessing it mostly glue.

4 thoughts on “Memories of endless beach walks

  1. glenisjhallmond

    How inspiring Abbie. Thankyou. Long live folk art created by different folks. Hmm, now where did i put those shells etc.

      1. glenisjhallmond

        Oh, what a shame you couldn’t bring them with you & create a piece at home. You never know – hidden talents! Haha.

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